Are You Feeling Energetically Devoured?
Two Books to Recalibrate In a World Gone Cuckoo
During these times of seismic social, political, and economic transformation, it’s easy to feel unmoored. I’m definitely feeling it—a gnawing sense of unease, a constant search for a compass to navigate the chaos.
And yet, amid all this, I’ve found a profound sense of hope and clarity in the works of David R. Hawkins, whose books “Power vs. Force” and “The Map of Consciousness Explained” have become more than just reading material—they’ve become life manuals.
I first picked up Power vs. Force during a particularly turbulent time in my life, thinking I’d find a pragmatic self-help guide. Instead, what I encountered was an entirely new way of understanding energy, consciousness, and the invisible forces that shape our lives.
Hawkins didn’t just write about ideas; he charted a map—a literal Map of Consciousness—that transformed the way I viewed the world and my place in it.
The Man Behind the Map
Hawkins’ life resonates deeply with me because it’s the story of someone who sought answers beyond the obvious. As a successful psychiatrist, he could have easily rested on his laurels.
But Hawkins wasn’t satisfied with treating symptoms; he wanted to understand the root causes of human suffering. His pursuit of truth led him beyond medicine and into the realms of mysticism, quantum physics, and spirituality.
What struck me most about Hawkins was his courage to bridge science and spirituality, two worlds often at odds. He used kinesiology, a method I initially found odd, to measure the energy levels of consciousness.
I’ll admit, I approached this with skepticism, but the deeper I went, the more his insights resonated on an intuitive level.
Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness is his crowning achievement—a tool that scales human consciousness from the lowest levels of shame and guilt to the transcendent states of love and enlightenment. He didn’t just describe these states; he showed us how to ascend them, step by step.
Navigating Today’s Chaos with Hawkins’ Wisdom
In the turbulence of the past few years, from political upheavals to climate crises, I’ve often felt tempted to sink into frustration or despair.
Hawkins’ teachings have been a lifeline. He reminds us that consciousness is energy, and the collective energy of the world is shaped by individual choices. If enough of us elevate our vibration—moving from fear to courage, from anger to love—we can create a ripple effect that transforms the whole.
This isn’t abstract philosophy. I’ve seen it play out in my own life. The days I operate from higher consciousness—choosing peace over reactivity, gratitude over grievance—everything feels lighter.
Problems solve themselves. Conversations flow. Opportunities arise.
And when I slip back into lower states (because I’m human, and I do), I feel the contraction immediately. Hawkins’ work has taught me to recognize these shifts and course-correct before I spiral.
Twelve Lessons to Live By
From Hawkins’ work, I’ve distilled a dozen takeaways that I try to apply daily. They’re not always easy, but they’re worth the effort:
💥 Consciousness is a Ladder, Not a Cage: You’re never stuck. Shame and guilt are temporary, not permanent states.
💥 True Power is Effortless: Power (like love or peace) sustains itself. Force (like control or manipulation) burns out.
💥 Neutrality is Underrated: At neutrality, you stop needing life to conform to your expectations. The result? Liberation.
💥 Courage is the Doorway: Every breakthrough begins with the courage to face life as it is.
💥 Love is More Than a Feeling: It’s an energy field that transforms everything it touches.
💥 Forgiveness is Self-Love: Resentment weighs you down. Forgiveness sets you free.
💥 Don’t Engage the Drama: Fear-based narratives (looking at you, news media) lower your vibration. Focus elsewhere.
💥 Service Raises the Bar: Selfless acts have the power to uplift not just you, but the world around you.
💥 Truth Prevails: Lies might win battles, but truth wins wars because it vibrates higher.
💥 Stillness is Power: In the quiet of meditation or reflection, you align with higher energies.
💥 Your Inner State Creates Your Outer World: Master the inner game, and the rest will follow.
💥 Enlightenment is Accessible: It’s not just for mystics. It’s for anyone willing to do the work.
Why Hawkins’ Work Matters Now More Than Ever
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Hawkins’ insights feel particularly urgent today. We’re living in a time when everything seems designed to pull us into lower states—fear, outrage, division. Hawkins offers an antidote: focus on your energy, not the chaos.
One of his most comforting ideas is that consciousness is non-linear. It doesn’t take 51% of humanity vibrating at love to shift the collective energy. A small number of individuals operating at 500 (unconditional love) can counterbalance millions stuck at lower levels.
That idea gives me hope—and a sense of responsibility.
A Dose of Humor and Reality
Hawkins had a knack for making spiritual truths accessible. “Searching for happiness outside yourself,” he once said, “is like looking for your glasses when they’re already on your head.”
That one hit close to home. How many times have I searched for peace in external achievements, only to find it waiting quietly within?
He also had a pragmatic streak. His teachings aren’t about transcending the world but engaging with it differently. When I started applying his principles, I wasn’t suddenly living in a Zen bubble, but I was less reactive, less drained by life’s inevitable ups and downs.
Living the Map
Hawkins’ books aren’t just reads; they’re roadmaps. They challenge you to live at a higher vibration—not someday, but now. That’s where the real work is: in the moment-to-moment decisions to choose love over fear, forgiveness over blame, and stillness over chaos.
As the world grows more unpredictable, I keep returning to Hawkins’ central message: we’re not powerless. Every choice, every thought, every action contributes to the collective energy of humanity. And when enough of us choose higher, the whole world rises.
So here’s to rising—together, with Hawkins as our guide. Because in a chaotic world, the most radical act is to vibrate higher.
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Independent Journalist and Global Book Ambassador
Wowowowow. Thank you for the your book recommendations. I'm an atheist, er, I mean, agnostic. 🥰 I can appreciate philosophies of Buddhism. And, I read your post w skepticism. I like it that Dr Hawkins comes to his...advisements? via science. I Googled him. I like his thoughts. I ordered the Map of Consciousness. From personal experience, the concept that my outer world reflects my inner world is absolutely accurate. I am willing to go further and know more.
What a timely and important post! I start my mornings with a cup of coffee and by reading emails. Immediately before I read this essay, I read Jason A. Clark's excellent THIS IS THE DAY Substack and he ended it by encouraging his readers to consider how to handle grief and suffering. God gave me your book recommendations.
Synchronicity, anyone?