Jan 24Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

Not-so-fun fact. MEIN KAMPF was given as a wedding present to newlyweds. Bleyuck!

I have Maddow's book on my long list of books to read.

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Jan 24Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

Such an important piece, thank you both for opening this subject up for people. It's still amazing how few know about Laura Ingalls, for example.

My father, who grew up under Stalin in the Soviet Union, prompted me to read the book "Spin Dictators" a couple years ago, which both of you might appreciate. It really digs into a lot of these issues, starting with Singapore and including Russia under Putin. My dad never lets me forget the risks we face as a society and a species.

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I need help with this paragraph. The last sentence doesn’t make sense.

“To shape Americans’ minds and, more particularly, the minds of U.S. political leaders in Congress and elsewhere, Germany developed a well-oiled disinformation machine that smoothly operated in all corners of the U.S. and in the Halls of Congress. *This anti-fascist campaign*[?] continued well after America entered the war.” 

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Great book!

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Really important history with big implications right now. To many in the US have alarmingly (and I would argue, selectively) short memories when it comes to the less flattering parts of our past, of which there are many. And as Churchill reminded us, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” (Only in this case, we might not be as lucky as last time.)

I read the book shortly after it was released and highly recommend it.

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I’m really feeling bad for the next generation.

What happened in Israel is an experiment for much bigger things to come.

Europe is next and then world war 3.

Remember the Corona virus ?, remember that the whole world was talking about the melting pools and weather change.

The powers at be managed to get us to forget about all that and spend more then ever while they will get to inherit the Earth with much much less people on it.

One last thing, this was planned many years ago and it’s unstoppable.

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The information in Maddow’s book couldn’t be more timely. The history is important and yet it is so disturbing, I’ll listen to PREQUEL on Audible. There’s something about listening to Rachel Maddow read her books that calms me listening to the most harrowing stories. Thanks for the overview!

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deletedJan 24
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