I find I can’t get to sleep if I don’t read before bed! Even if I’m completely exhausted, I’ll do a few pages because skipping it entirely just feels wrong, like I’ve forgotten something important.

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Reading in bed is one of my favourite habits, and the way I wind down most nights before falling asleep. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember (except for the first few years after my son's birth when I fell into bed exhausted every night). 95% of the time it's a paper book; even though I now have a Kindle Paperwhite I avoid screens before falling asleep.

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I read before bed and it's hit and miss. Sometimes I get a couple of chapters in and I'm tired and go to sleep. Other nights I stay up, engrossed in whatevver I'm reading. Either way it's relaxing and the part of my daily routine I most look forward to.

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I read in bed almost every night, a habit I began as a child when I would read under the covers with a flashlight. The perils of reading a page turner in bed is that I've found myself turning the pages until the end way past the early morning hours. My body can't handle that any more so I am selective about my night-time reads versus the reads I tackle in the daylight. I may read more poetry. I have read short stories. I watch for voice. Right now I am reading "Braiding Sweetgrass" and am entranced. I go to sleep thinking big thoughts but filled with a sense of possibility. Unfortunately, I have had to go back and re-read some of the pages the next day. I think I will seek out a book to re-read at night and save "Sweetgrass" for the light of day.

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Long before the Internet, I was a read-aholic. I would read a book while I was walking to swim team practice, keeping an eye on the edge of the road by the edge of my book. (Please understand, I said that I did it not that I would recommend it today. That was a much more rural time, but still not ideal.) I read everywhere and I could barely go to sleep without a book in my hand. When Kindles first came out it was so much like science fiction I had read 30 years earlier, and I couldn't believe I would be happy without the touch and feel of the pages, the smell and weight of the book. I always carried a book with me everywhere. More recently I discovered the joy of Audible. Perhaps this is because it is returning to a time when we read aloud to each other - at bedtime, but also while doing dishes or on a rainy day at the cabin or in a tent. For the 1st time ever, I now have computer glasses with blue light blockers, so I can read in bed from my phone, no matter where my day's journeys have taken me. Reading in bed? Isn't that kind of like breathing?

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