Yo, DMS. Sowell's existence -- as a rare and usually dismissed/derided 'black conservative' who favored free market capitalism and deep and wide looks into immigration, race, etc -- was an early influence on me (along with Bastiat, Hayek, Friedman, et al.). As an openly libertarian daily newspaper journalist with a mission to publicize people like Sowell and his ideas, I was very lucky to meet him twice and interview him several times. Here are the details.... https://clips.substack.com/p/qa-thomas-sowell-our-great-economist-emeritus?s=w
I'll give this a read. Thanks for the recommendation!
Yo, DMS. Sowell's existence -- as a rare and usually dismissed/derided 'black conservative' who favored free market capitalism and deep and wide looks into immigration, race, etc -- was an early influence on me (along with Bastiat, Hayek, Friedman, et al.). As an openly libertarian daily newspaper journalist with a mission to publicize people like Sowell and his ideas, I was very lucky to meet him twice and interview him several times. Here are the details.... https://clips.substack.com/p/qa-thomas-sowell-our-great-economist-emeritus?s=w
Indeed, Bill. I am unabashedly libertarian in my thinking as well. Let’s catch up on a call soon and compare notes.
Yes, let's do