Welcome to this week’s digest of “Great Books, Great Minds.” I hope you are staying cool amid the heat wave impacting our world.
Speaking of this climate issue, I recently stumbled upon an interview on the PBS NewsHour with Katherine Blunt, author of the book “California Burning: The Fall of Pacific Gas and Electric — And What It Means for America’s Power Grid.” There she discusses the massive disruption the heat crisis is having on the “Golden State’s power grid. HERE is the episode link
In The News
Amazon Slowdown
A precipitous drop in Amazon orders since mid-July has fueled industry rumors and speculation about the cause and implications for this online sales giant. Read HERE
Banned Books
There has been a movement afoot in cities across the U.S. to ban books that some deem as being objectionable. Here’s the latest.
September Bookstores of the Month
Just a reminder, Bookends and Beginnings bookstore in Evanston, Illinois, and Harriett’s Bookshop, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania have been selected as our bookstores of the month. So be sure to shop at these locales digitally and have your book selections delivered right to your door. In doing this you will be supporting the independent bookstore movement. Additionally, I’ll receive a small percentage of each sale to support “Great Books, Great Minds.”
Feature Stories
Great Books, Great Minds Feature Article A Daily Mise-En-Place (September 6th)
Great Books, Great Minds Feature Article: Facing Barriers to Success? (September 8th)
The Enduring Impact of Jim Rohn
Back in 1993 while living in Chicago, I was invited by a friend to attend a seminar by author and thought-leader Jim Rohn. At the time, because I hadn’t heard of Jim, I was inclined to take a hard pass. But that morning I decided to ignore my “I know everything about life,” attitude and attend.
Upon arriving, I decided to take a seat at the back of the room so that I could take in 15 minutes of Jim’s speech before exiting quickly. But after the first ten minutes, I was completely hooked. This initial experience led to my decision at the intermission to move to the front of the auditorium, about 10 feet from where Jim was speaking. It was a speech that changed my life.
Below is a video containing the key elements of what I heard that day. Jim’s words of wisdom have remained with me my entire life.