Whether it's personal experience or formal education, I think teaching and learning are, in many respects, impenetrably mysterious. This is why I believe teaching will always be more of an art than a science.


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Hi, Joshua. Interesting perspective for sure. I, for one, have always embraced mystery and paradox as a part of the learning process. Headed out shortly but will read the link you sent me once I’m at the Las Vegas coffeehouse I regularly frequent.

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Cheers! Hope it lands :)

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An incredible book that I keep going back to. Yes, once we have embraced letting go whilst remaining purposeful in everything we say and do, Life can take us to incredible places. I am just out of an emergency fundraising effort for the affected people in Morocco after the earthquake. It was one of the most intense, humbling and beautiful experiences I have ever lived.

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Hey Deborah. That’s very cool to hear. I would love to compare notes with you about it sometime via WhatsApp. Thanks for chiming in and enjoy your week.

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